Flight Attendant Came up to Me and Said, ‘Stay after Landing Please, the Pilot Wants to Talk to You Personally’

thought my big business trip to LA was going to be just another day until a mysterious request from the pilot left me questioning everything I knew about my past. The truth he shared would alter my future in ways I never imagined.My flight to Los Angeles was supposed to be a smooth one, but what happened during that two-hour journey changed my life forever. But before I tell you about it, let me share why I had to reach LA that day.So, I work as an architect at a well-known construction firm, and this is my dream job. Let me tell you, it wasn’t good luck that brought me here. It was my hard work and all those sleepless nights I spent in college upgrading my skills and learning new concepts. Recently, my boss gave me an opportunity to present a big project to some of our top investors in Los Angeles.It was a HUGE thing because it could lead to a long-awaited promotion, so I happily accepted the opportunity. Honestly, I felt so grateful for it because it was also a chance to make my mom, Melissa, proud. She’s my best friend,and that’s mainly because she has raised me as a single parent.

She told me my father passed away before I was born, but she never stopped me from chasing my dreams. Mom’s always been there to support me, and I love her for that.So, when I told her about the meeting in LA, she hugged me and said, “Go get ’em, sweetie! I’ll be praying for you.” The time flew by at the airport, and soon I found myself comfortably seated on the plane, ready to take off. The flight attendants were all so welcoming, and I lucked out with an emptyseat next to me!As the plane began to ascend, I couldn’t help but feel excited. I was well-prepared for my presentation, hoping the investors would like it.A few minutes into the flight, a friendly-looking flight attendant named Bethany approached me with a tray of drinks. “Can I get you something to sip on?” she asked with a smile. “Just orange juice, please,” I replied, raising my hand to accept the glass. As I did, Bethany glanced down at the birthmark on my wrist. “I’m sorry, could I have your passport, please?” she asked suddenly.Well, that’s strange, I thought. Confused but not wanting to argue, I handed it over. Bethany looked it over carefully before returning it with a nod. “Just a standard protocol check. Thank you!” Sounds cool. A short while later, Bethany returned to my seat. “Excuse me, will you be in a rush after we land?” she asked. “Yeah, I’ve got a connecting flight to catch and I’m already running late,”






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